Why Village People Kill A Lot Of Africans By Reno Omokri

Reno Omokri One question that troubles a lot of people when they read Scripture is how the ancients could have lived so long. satan is at work using questions like this to undermine the faith of multitudes, by appealing to their natural senses, which posit that it is biologically impossible for men to have lived as long as the ancients once did and that since this is scientifically proven, then it means Scripture is inaccurate. But the devil is a liar. Scripture is inerrant and is the word of God, and when we search the Scriptures, we will find life and truth. So, why did man once live very long, and why do we no longer live as long as we once did? Have you ever wondered why the animals in the Garden of Eden never posed a physical threat to Adam and Eve, or why the wild animals Noah kept in the Ark never attacked him and his family? If that question had ever crossed your mind, my prayer is that today, you will find answers in Scripture. You see, we live in a falling world. We do ...