Nigerians react to President Muhammadu Buhari saying Nigeria youths are lazy freebies

Dear Pa Buhari,

Why not come to Oshodi and see young people struggling to catch buses to their places of work as early as 4.30am. You can stroll down to Computer Village too. Ariaria (Aba Market) should also be part of your itinerary. You would have a good sight of works done by very industrious intelligent young persons.

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Many young women in the Country, after their legitimate work for the day, do 'extra work' at night (what you know as the service of the 'other room') so as to cater for the needs of their immediate families. A friend of mine at the University of Lagos can provide their details if you need to meet them.

Ask Jobberman and other job assistance  'consultants'/ agents how many people visit their websites per hour.

Your cluelessness and anti-people programmes have turned most young persons to Consultants. Make-up Consultants inclusive.

We have a Country where over 3,000 youths would wake as early as 4.30 am, knot their ties and trek kilometers to apply/sit a test for just 5 vacant positions in a Company where they would be underpaid at the end of the day. Yet to you, they are lazy.

Ogbeni. While your son, Yusuf was busy jollificating and  riding till he crashed a 56 million naira Powerbike with his friend; since he never worked for it, I and other young persons were at creeks of Ijebu, Ibadan, Osun, Ekiti, Owerri, Benin etc fighting in defence of democracy- that its dividends be shared among all.

God sees my heart. If I had 56 million Naira, I would send you and your cohorts out of Aso Rock in a week. No jokes.

I know a lot of graduates with ideas, who if given just 500,000 Naira would create business empires. Yet to you, they are lazy and sit-at-homes.

Have you asked yourself why Nigerians make it everywhere in the World except Nigeria? Oh! I have forgotten you can't think beyond the locus of your shadow.

We are lazy today. We accept. We want everything for free including sending you away. Many youths think that too would be free. But we are helping you to tell them it won't be free. We would chase you out. We won't sit at home anymore for freebies. Freedom is not free. We would stand now and go get our PVCs and we would show you the way to  Daura come 2019.

Thank you so much for reminding us!

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And @APCOfficialNG also react to @MBuhari saying Nigeria youths are lazy freebies.

We do not agree with @MBuhari that youths are lazy, they're hardworking and deserve some credit said #Lazynigeriayouths.

The unemployed, lower, middle and upper class hustle EVERYDAY because they cannot rely on the govt for basic amenities. So we rush around for food, fuel for the generators, buy water from the water guy, get down from the bus on the street adjacent to ours because we dare not drive our cars through the huge potholes. If ANYBODY thinks the Nigerian youth in Shangisha, Umuahia, Ijesha Tedo or Furaka are waiting for oil money to feed their family, that person is obviously not in touch with Nigeria or her citizens. Tragic.
We are NOT #lazynigerianyouths! We are the people who kept the whole sordid mess together while you and your colleagues educate your children abroad and get your treatment in foreign shores.

Show. Some. Respect.


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