Celestial Church Of Christ @ Seventy (70th), A Period For Celebration Or A Moment To Think?, Of What Is Happening In The Church, And How To Make Amendment!


Ask an average Nigerian what he or she feels about CCC members and you would not be taken aback at the negative feedback you would get from them.

 A blogger once asked a question “Why do most Nigerian guys avoid dating or marrying ladies from white garment churches especially from CCC?”, as expected the response was filled with shades, banters and tantrums, such that I began to literally shed tears when I was reading through them, and it is so pathetic that our administrators are probably less concerned about the image of this church.

Fellow members, our image is bad, I mean very bad in the light of the way other Christians, Muslims and non-believers see us and we seem not to be bothered about it.

Ask anybody to describe a CCC male member, the response, “They are alcoholics”, about our female, “they are fetish in their relationship and fornicate with reckless abandon”, about our prophets, “they are diabolical and perform ritual like witch doctors”, about our shepherds, “they are womanizers and polygamists Though it is true that all these are not peculiar to members of CCC only, but how do you wear white garment and expect the world not to notice your short coming?

Even our female folks are not helping matters at all, take a look at this instance, a female member leaves her house for church to use a public transport, and all her underneath is visible to everyone due to her transparent garment coupled with excessive make up and conspicuous nail painting, tell me do you think people who see this regularly would take us serious as Christians?

Where is the place of moderation in the outlook of an average female member? All the points I noted above are all true except we want to deliberately turn a blind eye to them, a spade is a spade, don’t let us hide under the illusion that other churches too have their own flaws, the crux of the matter here is CCC, so let us face our very own obvious and cancerous problem, let us not pretend as if all is well in the fold, it is not about how we see ourselves during services on Sundays and weekdays, it is about how others see us after all the scripture points out “we are the book the world is reading".

Have you been to job interview and your employers told you strictly “We do not accept CCC clergyman as guarantor” You would be surprised at how our badly portrayed image has affected some members notably in job placement and relationship.

The worst of it all about our image are the various kinds of preposterous atrocities that are perpetrated during adult harvest celebration in most CCC across the  board.

The level of immorality, indecency and worldliness that are staged during some of these adult harvests will tell just an observer that this particular parish is not worthy to be placed in the committee of churches.

 I do not need to start listing all manner of inconceivable and beyond belief acts committed within the church premise during adult harvest, all these we know yet we may want to overlook it as normal! Some would put up this very lame, moronic and illogical argument, “it is once, in a year celebration, so let us celebrate beyond control, even God would not mind”, let us tell ourselves the truth, if you consider the kinds of nonsensical activities that takes place in the church premises during adult harvest celebration, would you say we are even qualified to cleanse the world as stated by our hymn book, or how do you justify consumption of alcoholic drinks, smoking and playing of secular songs within the church premise among members whose mandate is to cleanse the world.

No wonder somebody said “When the founder died, the vision to cleanse the world also went to the grave beyond with him”, it is yet to be seen if this statement is true, but just look around the church and ask yourself, if we are to cleanse the world are we not supposed to be cleansed of the filthiness amongst ourselves, how can you remove a speck from your neighbor’s eye when you have a plank in yours, this might appear hard to swallow, but it is just the simple truth.

The truth does not care who it hurts.

CCC at 70 let us think.

Our hymn book clearly states that this fold is the last boat of salvation but have we for once ever thought that God could possibly change his mind concerning that covenant, now before you accuse me of blasphemy, let me point out leads from the scripture to you, what says 1 Sam 2:30-31 ‘Therefore the Lord, the God of Israel, declares: “I promised that members of your family would minister before me forever.” But now the Lord declares: far be from it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.’ Recall that God made a covenant with the tribe of Levi that his descendants will stand before the lord in the priestly order to officiate as given in Numbers 18, but the quote from 1 Samuel sounds contrary, what about the people of Israel, were they not God’s first love but what happened? The children of Israel had perfected the art of unfaithfulness by consistently breaking the law handed over to them, precisely the sin of idolatry, of course God couldn’t deal with it any longer (The scripture tells us that God is jealous, He does not fancy worshipping other gods except him) he had no other option than to extend the grace factor to us the gentiles.

Briefs from the book of Jeremiah 7 vs. 4, 9-11, 22-23 should give us more eye openers, how many people can follow us to church by our attitude? Are we actually honoring God by our acts? CCC at 70 let us think.

This post is credited to a member of C C C who share the enlightenment to http://Godwinglory.blogspot.com

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