Living In Fear>>>Open Heavens Daily Devotional; Prayer Point!

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1.Thank You, Father, for being My Refuge, and A Very Present Help in times of trouble.
2.Thank You, Father, for not giving me the spirit of fear, but of Power, of Love and of A Sound Mind.
3.Father, in anyway, l have fallen short of Your Glory and Expectations by living in fear of anything but You, Please, have Mercy and Forgive me, In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
4.Father, Please replace every spirit of fear in my life, with The Spirit of Boldness, In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
5.Father, Please let Your Cover of Protection over my life and family, never be removed, even, for a second, In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
6.Father, Please let every evil arrow targeted against me, or any of my family member, go back to sender, In The Name of Jesus. Amen!.
7.Father, Please let every fear created in me by life's challenges and negative occurrences, be neutralised, by The Blood of Jesus In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
8.Father, Please set me free indeed, from the bondage, control, dominion and manipulations, of the spirit of fear, that is almost paralyzing, my doing exploits for You, In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
9.Father, Please release upon my life, The Spirit of Perfect Love, that drives away all forms of fear, In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
10.Father, Please let Your Fear dominate my heart and let the fear of Satan and his agents be shut out, In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
11.Father, Please forgive me all my sins and restore my confidence and faith in You, In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
12. Father, I Pray For Every User Of The Open Heavens Devotional Today, That You Will Give All of Us Your Divine Boldness That Will Overcome Every Form of Fear Except The Fear of The Lord In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
13. Father, Please, Give Us The Wisdom To Recognise Every Plan, Plot, Treachery and Resistance from The Pit of Hell, Working Tirelessly To Put Us In Perpetual Fearful State and Bondage To the spirit of fear. And Please Grant Us All The Wisdom To Recognise And Resist Them In The Name of Jesus. Amen!
14. Abba Father, Today, As Your Children we rebuke the spirit of sudden death! Infirmity! Hypertension, Cancer! Stroke!Memory loss! And every spirit tormenting The children of God! Please Banish them With Your Healing Touch Today in Jesus' Name. Amen!
15. Today, In Humility and Total Submission To The Grace And The Will Of GOD For My Life! I Confess, I Decree and Declare: I Am Blessed Beyond A Curse! I Am Established Beyond Oppression and I Am Protected Beyond Terror! I Am Too Blessed To Be Stressed! I Will Not Be A Victim for I am a Victor! I will not be a victim of The Present Day False Prophets, False Teachers and False Doctrines! The Covenant I Have With God Is A Covenant Of Life! I Will Live I Will Not Die! I Will Not Die Physically, I Will Not Die Spiritually, I Will Not Die Mentally I Will Not Die Financially! I Am Blessed Beyond Measures! I Am A Channel of Divine Blessing! I Am A Fruitful Tree! Money Will Meet Money In My Hand! The Spirit of Mammon is not a god In My life! Money will Serve Me! Money Will Not Control Me! I Will Fulfill My Divine Purpose and Divine Destiny! This Will Be My Month Divine Perfection! It is My Prosperity Month! It Is My Month of Release! My Breakthrough Will Come! God Will Perfect All Concerning Me! This Is My Year Of Pleasant Surprises! My Year Of
Restoration And New Things! My Year Of Favour And Testimonies! I Have Started The Year 2017 With Joy! I will End This Year With Rejoicing, In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
16. With Gratitude Praise And Worship Add Your Personal Prayer Request And Please Pray For Me Too! We Shall Testify In The Name of Jesus. Amen!


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