Making Your Marriage Work>>>Open Heavens Daily Devotional; Prayer Point!

1.Thank you Father for the marriage institution, that you have ordained for your purpose and for the benefit of man.
2.Thank you Father for your blessings and favours upon my life by providing for me a "help meet".
3.Father, I invite you afresh into my home and marriage, please, come and take absolute control and pre-eminence, in Jesus' name.
4.Father, help us to establish a strong and regular family altar in our home, in order to keep satan far away, in Jesus' name.
5.(For husbands). Father, help me to actually "leave" my parents and "cleave" to my wife in the true sense of cleaving.
6.(For husbands). Father, help me to love my wife unconditionally, even, as Christ love the Church and gave His life for her.
7.Father, let every spirit of hatred and hostility, threatening to destroy my home and marriage be paralysed.
8.Father, let every architect of conflict and hostility in my home and marriage be exposed, frustrated and openly disgraced, in Jesus' name.
9.Father, let every weapon fashioned against my home and marriage be rendered obsolete, in Jesus' name.
10.Father, by your divine power, help me to stop every bad attitude and conduct, that has been eroding the love between me and my spouse.
11.Father, let your peace that surpasses all human understanding begin to reign supreme in my home, in Jesus' name.
12.Your Personal petitions. (Phil 4:6)
13.In Jesus' name I pray. (Jn 15:16)
14.Thank you Father for answered prayers.(1 Thes 5:18).


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