Bible verse: Ecclesiastes:10:18, Because of laziness, the building decays, and through idleness of hand, the house leaks.


 To decays, means fallen into ruin hence unsound and useless. It is a process of gradually becoming inferior!
Can you imagine what happens in the life of an idle man? Right under his watch, everything that were good becomes "moribund", which means, is about to "die or end" and he can`t do anything about it! Even his life looses color! Your life will not loose color! Gainful engagement is the answer to the prayers!
You must do away with idleness if you don't want to loose color in life, no matter the circumstance. In the book of Ezekiel chapter 16 vs 49, idleness was referred to as 'iniquity!' You must cast out the foul spirit of idleness in your live today, so that you too can became a man of influence in life! It shall be well with you, in Jesus name!
PRAYER: Lord, I refused to loose color, because of idleness. I shake off the foul spirit off my life, in the mighty name of Jesus. 


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