The Folly Of Indolence: Career, and Family Breakthrough Devotional, By Pastor Henry

Bible verse Proverb 6:6 Go to the ant, you slugger! Consider her ways and you shall be wise.
The ant is an insignificant insects, that man tramples under his feet at the slightest provocation, and attaches no importance to it. But the ant is an organised  social insects that lives in colonies. It's organised lifestyle, is so fantastic that it attracts  the attention of bible. However, it's mentioning was good enough on example  to the slothful! That is the worth of the life of an idle man.
The value of a man's life will determine the worth of comparison he gets, in analogy. Man original purpose in the garden of Eden (life), is to till (work/maintain) the land. For the idle man, to be compered to an ant means his life is worthless! You can't be created in the image of God and lives a worthless life. No! That is a spiritual aberration!
Being a slugger, reduces the value of a man. So you must do away with slothfulness today! You are created for a purpose, don't allow your destiny to be trampled upon because of idleness. start with the wisdom of the ants.
Organise your life for productivity, and  very  soon, your lost dignity will be restored. May God gives you understanding.
PRAYER: Lord, am created for your glory, i refuse to be slothful in the mighty name of Jesus.
Pastor Henry (Apostle of self actualization)


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