Don't be a 'Here and There? Worker, Do something; By Pastor Henry, Apostle of self actualization!

Career, and family breakthrough devotional.

Bible verse: First kings, 20:40; 'While your servant was busy here and there, he he was gone'. The king of Israel said onto him, so shall your judgement be, you yourself have decided it.

An indolent person is the one with hatred for work. He prefers idle hour's than productive hours. He doesn't believe you have to work things out, but that things will work on it's own. That you are managing a business on your own or that you are in an employment, doesn't negate the fact that you are indolent!

The way people celebrate public holidays, weekends, break times etc, is very alarming, especially in Africa. We see productivity as enslavery and see every  break as an opportunity to 'enjoy' our liberty. Once it is Friday, you see the media leading the slogan. 'Thanks God is Friday!'

A man goes to work, from morning till evening, without any meaningful contributions to the growth of his organization.

All he does is to while away the day gossiping and busy-bodying! Why should you turn your office to entertainment center?

Sitting down gisting/sleeping all day long, only for you to turn around and be blaming witches and wizards for your woes!

Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith with my works, i will even show you a man without faith, but with diligent hands, who ends up employing our indolent 'faith-filled' brethren.

Stop looking here and there, today develop the right attitude to work, and you will see your life having meaning.

You won't miss it, in Jesus mighty name.

Prayer: Lord, I refuse to decide evil result in my career/business/ministry, through here and there activities that adds no value to my life in the mighty name of Jesus.


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