Power Pillars For Uncommon Success, Success or Failure, is Planned For

A life of success is never a coincidence just as a life of failure is never an accident.

You are just who you are by the choice you have made.

A choice to sit down and plan is a choice for success and a choice not to sit down and plan is a choice for failure.

“For When You Fail To Plan, You Have Planned To Fail”

Success or failure is planned for.
Many people refuse to plan further because they failed in the other plans they made.
If you are ever going to taste Uncommon Success, you must be so persistent in your plans. If this plan didn't work, adopt another plan until you hit the profit - plan.

“To refuse to plan because the other plan failed is an open invitation to failure.“

A Temporary Setback Is Not Equivalent To  a Permanent Defeat

There are not too many uncommon successes today, who have never met temporary setback.

“You Really Never Fail Until, You Stop”

If challenges are getting on your nerves, how do you hope to become an Uncommon Success?
In the journey of Uncommon Success, there are horses of challenges to contend with.

“Faith never says there would be no challenges. Faith says every challenge is conquerable. Faith says challenges are the stuff that makes champions.”

"If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou. trusted they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?"
Jeremiah 12: 5

“When You Get Tired On The Inside Of You, You Will Lack Courage To Confront And Conquer”

When challenges arise and you see temporary setback, it does not mean you are not a winning, it only means-you needed to go back into your planning laboratory and make your plans more practical and workable.

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