Yago Lolah Mariyanga Rih Yeh, New Moon Service, on every first thursday of every new month 10:00pm prompt All over the world

New moon service tonight 10:00pm prompt

Remember we are all created to worship our Lord our God,
Join us today as we give "JEHOVAH GOD " full worship! Join us with a stick of candle and a bottle of water for today's New moon service and receive your blessing's


Today's is the 9th New moon service of the year in the month Luli, the Grace. Make sure you join other faithful worshipers in your parish all over the world to worship and praise the Lord who preserved and protect I and you to witness yet another New moon service.

Ohun elo fun esin ipari osun ni nu Ijo mimo ti Christi lati Orun wa.

Ohun Elo Fun Esin Naa: 1) Igo omi kan, 2) Abela funfun kan lowo pmo ijo kookan ati a won to ba won was SE esin, 3) Ki ariya to bere, Olusoagutan too kunle niwaju pepe too korin, Ka sise fun iwenumo emi was(Iwe Orin C C C Yoruba version No 694)

What you need to known about new moon service, Every first Thursday of the new month, in Celestial Church Of Christ.

Materials use for the service!
1) One bottle filled with water per each member and outsider who come to worship
2) One candle stick per each member and outsider who come to worship
2.a) At exactly 10:00pm prompt member present, Congregation in the church, ready for the preparation for the service. The Shepherd kneels down at exactly where the small Altar is usually placed. The congregation sing (Let's work for purification of our souls) along with the Shepherd, C C C Hymn "694".
2.b) prayer's for Thanksgiving by the Shepherd
2.c) Singing, drumming and dancing, take place from 10:00pm prompt to 11:45pm prompt for worshiping and praising the Almighty God
2.d) At exactly 11:45pm prompt members pray silently with their candles for their individuals heart desire.
2.e) After prayer, candles should be collected for  use in the house of Lord thus:
2.e,i) Seven candle sticks should lit on the main Altar.
2.e,ii) Seven candle sticks should be lit on the Mercy land Altar.
2.e.iii) Seven candle sticks should be lit round the bottle of water belonging to the male members
2.e.iv) Seven candle sticks should be lit round the bottle water belonging to the female members.
2.e.v) Seven candle sticks should be lit round the house of worship.
Surplus candle sticks be kept somewhere inside the house of worship, for use during other service in the house of worship.

Service start at exactly 12 mid night
Note: It is the duty of the Shepherd in charge to conduct the service using the main Altar. The second Altar (small) should removed for this service.

1) Ringing of the bell by the service conductor and recitation of the word of adoration by the congregation saying Holy! Holy!! Holy!!! Is the Lord God of Host (3x)
2) Hymn
2a) God Almighty, God Almighty, God Almighty the King of life (3x)
2b) Holy, Holy, Holy is the Angel King (3x)
2c) Bow down for Him king of all people (3x)
2d) King of all people

3) Irah  jahman jaribam, Irah  jahman (3x), means Holy spirit Heavenly Dove Descend now.
4) Yago lolah mariyanga rih  yeh(3x), means Pay homage to the King our Lord we pay homage to Him Amen.(3x)

Come and celebrate with us @ "CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST @ 70th" it will take place on 29/09/2017,  may we and our family, friends witness it in Jesus mighty name Amen.


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