Celestial Church Of Christ, Where Are We Heading Too

When will this stop in Celestial Church of Christ.

The Church of Spiritual worldwide, united, indivisible Holy Church which came into the world from Heaven by DIVINE ORDER on the 29th of September 1947 in Porto novo, Republic of Benin through the Founder of the Church, The Reverend, Pastor, Prophet, Founder Samuel Bilehou Joseph Oshoffa (1909-1985).

His Celestial Church of Christ still the Fold of Salvation, with what we are seeing in the Church nowadays.

Or the elders are not seeing what is going on in the Church, or thinking of the unborn generation.

What are they going to meet them doing in the Church or learn from them to promote the Church to the nest levels in their own time.

Or their is no doctrine, rules or law that abide to the Church to follow.

Please let the elders of the Church come together to make amendment on this matter .

The world are looking at us.

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