Pastor Kumuyi's Word, Advice to Pastors and Workers

Advice to Pastors and Workers [Pastor Kumuyi's word.
The more you  get involved in the work of the lord, if not very careful, the less Christlike you become
We are warning you,  we are telling you, before we started the work, before we became very much involved, we were very very, humble, very loving...
Before i became a preacher, i was very afraid of talking to someone with a harsh tune, because i remember the scripture every time, that if you  get angry and you say thou fool,  you  are in danger of hell fire....and when am talking to anybody, i'll be praying, lord help me not to be angry, help me  not to loose my sanctification,
But its unfortunate as i started working for God,... I just forgot myself, and before i realize i was loosing the nature of Christ, i had gone very very far
You'll  say, but were you  not reading the bible?
Oh yes i was reading the bible, but you  know i wasn't reading the bible for myself anymore, i was reading the bible for my people, just to preach to them.
But eventually, i said lord, look at what is happening, i was better than this when i wasn't preaching, i think a preacher should be better than the people he is preaching to, but this is the reverse now
Look at your  life my brothers and sisters, you  may have discovered that as you  became leaders and workers, coordinators , but now you feel if i dont do this...
Get angry and  get hard, get boisterous and hammer the people on the head, hammer the people on the chest, break their bone, they'll not do the work...and because of that we are less christlike
.... We are  hard on the people, and the people  are saying oh lord, when will u come, they are fed up..., and they are saying which church shall we go again
The more we  work, the less Christlike we become, now we oppress the people,
...why are we persecuting our fellow brothers and sisters in the body of christ?
 now your zone is 1,000 [MEMBERS], you  feel like a king,
 Now a lot of people are in exile, they are under discipline now,  we have oppressed the people, some just packed quietly out,  leave the church.... and they say, God thats my church, but they have driven me out
now we get angry, we are oppressive on  the people, and on sunday, we are the people that will teach them STS, the people are unfortunate, when will Christ come and deliver them, the more active we have become, the more heartless we have become.
now you zonal leaders, be watchful, all of us  who have been old before you came, , this is a trap we have fallen into, that the more active we have become, the more heartless we have become, now we do not have christ in our leadership style

....He Stopped A Wife Of An Usher From Coming To Church, I Didnt Even Know About It, He Just Called Her And Said, "That Trouble Is Enough, Don't Come To Deeperlife Anymore [With your  Children]"

What will he do now, the wife is been sent out of the church, and i didnt know about it,  when we send sinners away from church, how are we evangelizing?  So,  our activity is making us to forget christ.
And when i heard about it,since they wont allow him to see me,  i had to send for him ... And i called the usher [WHO SENT AWAY THE WOMAN AND HER CHILDREN AWAY], and he said oh yes, the woman did this and her children did this, we interviewed them and we saw that things were bad, so i told her not to come to church again,
I said,... How can you send someone away from the church when am still here, that's not right.
And i apologized to the brother [whose wife was sent away with her children],  this brother is living with an unbelieving wife, he's having trouble at home, he comes to church and still has trouble.
In the house the wife is not coporating, and in church  too, the work he was doing he couldn't do because the wife is not behaving well, the children are wrong, he has been stopped at work, he is just to be coming to church,  coming to church and he cannot see pastor, a fatherless child.....
Where are we leading the church to?
And it is not only JONATHAN that is guilty, i don't know how many people  coordinators have sent away from church, how can i know when they will not even allow them to come and see me, i don't know how many people zonal leaders have sent away from church....
i think Judas was bad, but Jesus didn't send him away, lets be very very careful, that  we do not just take laws into our hands and oppress the people until the people feel this is no more a church.
I think we have the understanding of the doctrines, but we do not have the heart to believe and act on the doctrines
And i think if the church is like this, we should be praying that Jesus should come. We need to change, we need to call upon the Lord.
With all the bible i know, with all the Prayers i pray, when i saw that i was getting away farther and farther from Christ-likeness, i prayed that "Lord help me" even with all that prayer , if i stayed under the leadership of some coordinators, i think i'll need to pray more that God will .....
Sometimes when people are leaving the church, they write to me,
Last week someone wrote to me and said, "i have tried to see you i have not been able to see you, the oppression is too much for me, i think am leaving..."
How are we going to continue like this
Those are the people that can write, How about the people that can't write..., and i wouldn't have known.
They [CORDINATORS] cannot make restitution, they cannot make confessions... even when they kill people and bury them, they'll just tell us "somebody died"
how did he die? is it our neglect?
we need to talk to the Lord in Prayer
The coordinator is suppose to love, suppose to care, not that we are taking the whip around and whipping them in every zone.
Even Jesus Christ, he didn't do that to his own disciples, he did it once in the temple because they turned his father's house into a den of thieves and robbers, but not on people that are  born again, if we were beating you like that when you were born again and converted many of you will not remain,
I believe that Christ's heart is BLEEDING
I am not like Christ yet myself, sometimes i am #hard too, sometimes i am #inconsiderate too, but at least i can confess my own, the problem is with people who can never confess, and you know if i can confess to you, i'll confess to God, and somebody who make confessions like i do will not remain the same, the people that remain the same are the people that never make any confession, they say they are ok, but they are not ok.

Jesus said, Never the less i have somewhat against you, you have left your first love,
Let's rise up and pray.

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