If the Foundation is Faulty, there is nothing the Righteous can do.



Bible verse:-  Gen 26:2:- And the Lord appeared unto him and said, 'go not down, into Egypt. Dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of'.

The Bible says if the foundation is faulty, there is nothing the righteous can do. Many businesses today are under siege because of the problem of location. God called Abraham out of the midst of his kinsmen, to another land, because there was no way he would have prospered there.(Gen 12:1).

Isaac wanted to escape to Egypt, but God warned him against it, or else he would have been forgotten till tomorrow. Many of us utilise our mental judgement in choosing location for our business. The greatest victim of wrong location in the Bible was Lot. He chosed Sodom because 'the land was green!' And he came out of that land with nothing! After his rescue from Sodom, the angels of God asked him to 'escape to the plains', but he preferred the hills. He ended up committing incest by impregnating his two daughters! Allow God to lead you in your choice of location.

READ ALSO: Flash Back,Stop Using UN - CELESTIAL CHOIR CAPES, by Alagba Michael Folorunsho

There are houses you should never lives in or transact business there. Many of the houses you see around had a faulty spiritual foundation. They were houses built by demonic agents of darkness. There are houses where businesses will never thrive there. I have seen a house where a tenant must die in a mysterious way, every year! Check where you are now, and be spiritually vigilant before you change location.

Prayer:- Lord, open my eyes to see the right location for my business, in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Henry
(Apostle of self actualization)
WhatsApp/SMS only: +234 8022566983
E mail: pastor henry4christ@gmail.com

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