Obaship tussle: Tension in Osun Community over illegal appointment of Warrant Chiefs

There was palpable tension in the sleepy ancient town of Awo during the week, over illegal appointment of warrant chiefs by negating the compound and house that used to produce the High Chiefs.

Awo,the headquarters of Egbedore Local Government area of Osun State and the community had alleged its outgoing Council Chairman, Mr. Olayiwola Abiola (LAMBY) of complicity by planning to impose a monarch on the ancient town through the backdoor.

They further alleged that Local Government boss was using his positiont o set the town on fire by bringing confusion into the whole selectionp rocess which the State government should stop forthwith in order toa void breaking down of law and order in the area.

According to Early Reporters , speaking on the issue, a Crown Prince from Abioye ruling house, PrinceA bubakar Adeniyi, disclosed that the Council boss mislead the StateA ttorney-General, Barrister Femi Akande to approve the illegals elected five (5) nominees for Warrant Chiefs which was picked by one
of the contestants for the Alawo stool, one Taye Adegboye.

He added that Taye Adegboye is the outgoing leader of the LegislativeA rm of the Local Government, saying that the action of the Councilb oss negates the sanctity of justice, equity, fair play and
transparency on the selection process, asking rhetorically, how ap layer in a game would appoint referee?.

Prince Abubakar stressed that the three (3) of the five (5) nomineesw ere from Adegboye's extraction of Abioye ruling house and they are;M emunat Oladepo, Adeyemi Hassan, and Muhammadu Alimi and ther emaining two(2) were Lagos based blood relation of Taye Adegboyew hich is Muyideen Oladejo and only partial neutral person is Mr.J imoh Adisa.

He urged the State Governor, Alhaji Isiaka Adegboyega Oyetola to wadei nto the matter by directing the Ministry of Local Government andC hieftaincy Affairs to stop all the process in respect of Alawo stool
with immediate effect and as well initiate the stakeholders meetingw here everyone would express his or her mind on the subject matter ino rder to avoid communal crisis in the ancient town.

Prince Abubakar who is Akanfe Adeniyi's extraction of Abioye rulingh ouse, also urged Governor Oyetola to caution Mr. Abiola (LAMBY) nott o use his remaining two months tenure of office to cause mayhem int he ancient town, adding that the royal family would soon write the
State Governor on the subject matter.

The crown Prince suggested that in the interest of neutrality and ift he State government believed that neutral people should be appointed,t he two remaining Kingmakers should be allowed to have input andl eader of the two prominent modern religious; i.e.Muslim and Christian
should be appointed to be part of the Warrant Chiefs and the Local Obao f a village in the area, the Onigbanla of Gbanla, should bei ncorporated into the Warrant Chiefs.

Then, the State government should ensure that the remaininga ppointment reflected the compound that used to produce these HighC hiefs including; Iyalode, leader of the women.

It would be recalled that the Alawo stool became vacant when Oba MusaO latunbosun Adebayo from Akinsilo ruling house, joined his ancestorso n 24th of June, 2020.

Abubakar, therefore, called on security agents including; Police,D epartment of State Security (DSS),Civil Defence and Osun AmotekunS ecurity outfit to investigate the allegation of complicity ona ppointment of those five(5) nominees in order to unravel theh anky-panky game of the Council Chairman.


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